Thursday 16 October 2008

Magazine Layout

In this session I created the type of layout I would want for my magazine front cover. I came to the decision that I would have the main image in the centre of the magazine taking up most of the space. The title of the magazine "Nightlife" would be on the right hand side of the page with smaller images on the left hand side, along with an advertised competition on the right hand side. The price of the magazine would be £2.49. The colour scheme for this issue of "Nightlife" will be purple and navy as I think these colours convey a feeling of night time and nightlife.

As I have joined the "Nightlife" group late, and my magazine cover does not relate to their ideas I am now creating my own magazine called "Tempo" which will be an urban music theme magazine as opposed to a clubmix music magazine. My final magazine layout has been inspired by the magazine "Black Beat".

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