Thursday 9 October 2008

Magazine evaluation

This is my evaluation for my music magazine cover. The evaluation will include lots of different areas of my magazine cover. These are, what ways my music magazine relates to real music magazines, how my music magazine cover represents a certain social group, what kind of media institution might distribute my music magazine cover and why, who would be the audience for my music magazine cover, how i attracted or addressed my target audience, what have i learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this magazine front cover and finally it will include what i would do differently next time if i were to make another front cover. 

Before we started to do this construction of a music magazine, we looked at a music magazine as a class. The music magazine we looked at was called 'Hip Hop Connection'. There we looked at some of the techniques they used, so we could get an idea of the components that are required when constructing our own.

My music magazine uses conventions of real music magazines, some of these are, a bold and eye catching heading, this helps the consumers to see from far away and persuade them to buy it. It also contains a photo of a celebrity, which is large and helps to advertises the magazine to the market. It also uses lots of headings that the magazine contains inside to persuade the readers and help them to buy the magazine. It also contains a unforgettable piece of the magazine industry, which is a freebie or a competition to win something, in my case it is a YSL Babydoll perfume. 

My music magazine cover represents a certain social group. This is because, as you can see the heading is '...NightLife...', this suggests to me and certainly to most people that it is aimed for the age group of 17-29. It is aimed at this age group because it is a magazine for the generation that go out clubbing and to the people who have and enjoy a night life. This magazine represents to this social group because it contains tips and advice for the people who go out to clubbing. It also contains a-day-in-a-life of a different celebrity every week.

The media institution that would distribute my music magazine cover i think would be emap. i think this because when i look at their website on the internet, i can see their best magazine cover. When i look at my magazine cover and their best chosen magazine cover i cannot really see a difference apart from that their photo is professionally taken. Also they do not contain any headlines of the articles that are inside their magazine. I personally think that my music magazine cover is better than their one.

As i said before about representing certain social groups. The target audience of my music magazine cover would be the people who go out clubbing, which may be a younger generation of 17-29 years. This is because the genre of my music magazine cover is club mix. And ideally the people who go out clubbing would listen to this type of music in a club.

I have attracted my target audience with my music magazine cover by using a few techniques. These are, my heading, this is big, bold and eye catching this helps the magazine to identify itself in a crowd of all other magazines. Another technique is the photo, the photo helps to attract and address my audience because it is a photo of a singer well known in clubs so my target audience will be familiar with this photo and this will help me to sell my magazine. I think that i have done a good job on attracting my target audience.

While constructing this music magazine cover i have learnt a new technological process. This new technological process for me is the Adobe Photoshop software. It was a challenge for me at the beginning but we had a tutorial of it from Mickey the computer technician. In the software Photoshop the tools that i used were called 'Text' for adding text, 'Move Tool' to get back to neutral and have the cursor and also the 'Magnetic Lasso Tool' for cutting around the photo that i had chosen. When you use it for at least a hour you get the hang of it and it is really easy actually. I have also learnt to use the new Apple computers for the first time.

If i was to do this magazine cover again i definitely would do a few things differently. Firstly i would do the background a different colour, more lively and professionally. Secondly i would use a better photo, something more professional and eye catching and definitely more exciting. I would also change the colours of the font because they are not really exciting or eye catching. 

Overall i think that i have done a great job on constructing a music magazine cover for a first time attempt. In my magazine evaluation i have included a range of information about my magazine cover. I have included the ways that my magazine relates to real life music magazines, i have included how my music magazine cover represents a certain social group, i have included what kind of media institution might distribute my music magazine cover and why, i have included who the target audience for my music magazine cover is, i have included how i have attracted or addressed my audience, i have included what i have learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this magazine cover and finally i have also included what i think i would of done differently if i were to make this magazine front cover again.


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