Thursday 25 September 2008

We started by looking at different types of music magazines including; Q, smash hits, kerrang, XXL and top of the pops. As a class we looked at how the back ground of one magazine attracts its audience. The music magazine we looked at was called hip hop connection and it had 4 or 5 boys maybe men and in the back. We discovered there was like bricks possibly from photo shop in the background. We were then given different front covers of magazines by our teacher, followed by several sheets, one of which was a sheet called target audience and music magazine analysis were we had study the cover we were given and had to come to a conclusion of what type of readers would buy this magazine. We also looked at the genre and target audience. 
we started to think about our own magazines

We have been given a task to do a music magazine cover. Gez our media teacher has put us into groups, in my group we have me, Kat and Georgina. We analysed a magazine cover and decided what group or category it fits. Then we planned for our front cover of the magazine. We as a group decided that we will do clubmix as the music genre of the mag. We also decided that the name of the magazine will be NightLife. We decided on a few more things for the making of our front cover, these are, the age group (which will be aimed at 17-25 year olds), and we also decided that it will be a magazine for females only. Our teacher told us that we will have to do three different front covers so we will have one each, so it will be three different editions of the same magazine. I sketched my front cover in my folder and i have included the headline, a logo a slogan, two competitions and some headlines of the stories that may be inside the magazine. We as a group have decided that the magazine will cost £2.10. For my photo shoot i want to take a photo of a girl, but i haven't decided who yet, holding a glass of cocktail in her hand and she has to look like she is having a good time. The girl that i am going to photo will have to be pretty.